Monday, 11 July 2011

Back from the holidays

I fell so ashamed of myself because I did barley anything over the holidays involving 40k

So, what DID I do? well, I cut of the leg of my Ork Finecast Warboss and gave it to my Painboy. It is now replaced with a makeshift robotic leg made out of the base structure of a Landraider's Lazgun side turret and some random slabs of plastic which is used as armour.

I also LOST the Warboss' Squig arm so now I'm looking for a replacement close combat weapon that is big enough for the enlarged figure of the Finecast Ork Warboss.

I aslo got some of these:

m2620123_99120105036_IGCadianCommand5MPPK_873x627.jpgI changed the look of the entire squad. This is what i did

1. None of them have any helmets
2. Commander has the robotic arm and a Lazpistol
3. Medic is standing up
4. Banner boy has a Bolt Pistol
5. Instead of a vox he has a Meltagun and he is kneeling

I have no idea how to paint this squadron, so need some help. I don't want to paint them like the above picture and I'm stuck for ideas.

Monday, 13 June 2011

painting my humans

So I figured, without 2 hearts, pain killers in 0.07 seconds, super human strength, incredible speed, sharpened senses, Bolt rounds and good armour; my Guards needed all the help they could get. And what better way to avoid being blown to pieces than camouflage!!!!!!!!

Just imagine, hiding amongst the Ork shrubberies, an entire army of Imperial Guard waits for the signal.
They have the element of surprise. that may buy them enough time to let the Astaries take all the credit......

Monday, 6 June 2011

NEW ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't been posting for a while and allot has happened in my absence.

First. My Orks have joined the clan Blood Axes. There was much rejoice with drinking, fighting, telling Orky stories and a Squig eating some Grots. I have started on painting my Warboss and Boyz in bright coloured camoflage ( the Blood Axes haven't yet got the aim of using camoflage for hiding).

Second. I have betrayed the Chaos goods. For I have started an Imperial army. Every model is going to be camouflaged according to there squad and and speciality.

Third and final. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 30 May 2011

Why I'm Chaos

If you have read my earlier posts you would have realised that I was originally loyal to the Emperor and you may be wondering why I turned.

This is why...

It was just before daybreak on some alien planet and a Techmarine was repairing a fallen Dreadnought. Accompanied buy 5 Terminators, 5 scouts and 10 Space Marines. Each man had different qualities and skills. Ezekiel, a fully trained Librarian, watched over the procedure.
A scout's voice filled the Vox channel.
"Scout 3 to Brother Ezekiel, permission to speek".
"Permission granted" Ezekiel replied.
"A Chaos Rhino has been spotted on the radar and it's heading straight for us at full speed"
"OK" Ezekiel yelled out to the rest of the Dark Angels, "Prepare for an attack. Defence formation Beta, due North"
The loose group around the fallen battle brother quickly stiffened into formation. Space Marines loaded Boltguns, charged up Plasma cannons and revved there Chainblades. Flanking the assembled Marines, 2 scouts on either side loaded there snipers and took aim at the advancing vehicle whilst the Terminators took position at the front. Power weapons cracked into life with a volley of light blue sparks as the warriors readied for battle. Ezekiel took the lead.
"Permission to fire sir", the scout commander asked
"Fire at will", Ezekiel replied.
"TAKE AIM", he yelled at his squad.
The air around them was filled with the sound of bolter fire, Ezekiel looked at the commander just before he was ripped apart by a round of bolter fire.
"It's an ambush", Ezekiel said to himself.
"TAKE COVER", a Terminator ordered the remaining marines.
"FIRE AT WILL" Ezekiel screamed at the waiting Marines.
An explosion happened on his right as a plasma cannon overheated, self combusted and killed 3 Marines.
Ezekiel ran to the front of the formation and led the terminators into close combat.
A ear splitting whine filled the Vox network as the Dreadnaught came back to life.
"Nice to have you back Franz" Ezekiel Voxed
"The pleasure is all mine" Franz replied as he charged up his lazguns. As he fired at the advancing tank, it returned fire with heavy bolters, killing him instantly.
As Ezekiel looked around him, all he could see was dead bodies.
"We won......WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
As dawn broke, Ezekiel saw a Chaos Sorcerer emerging from the dark.
One brave servitor emerged from behind the fallen Dreadnought and charged at the Sorcerer. The massive terminator raised his fist and ripped the human apart with one a shot from his Stormbolter.
"Ezekiel", the Sorcerer said with open arms, "good to see you again"
"Do not speek to me as if we are friends, traitor" Ezekiel replied in a growl
"Oh, but we are"
Ezekiel stared at the towering figure before him.
"Zelch?" the Librarian whispered in disbelief
"Yes, it is I" Zelch yelled in a booming voice
"YOU TRATOR!!!!!!!" Ezekiel screamed and lunged towards Zelch with his Power sword. Zelch easily dodged the attack and smashed Ezekiel's head with the side of his Stormbolter. Filled with rage, Ezekiel attacked again, and again, and again but no mater how hard he tried, Ezekiel's blade couldn't even touch it's target.
"How?" the Librarian asked, tired.
"The powers of Chaos is a magnificent thing Ezekiel, you should try it" he said in a mocking voice.
"NEVER" Ezekiel screamed in rage
"Your choice" Zelch replied. And with that, Zelch sent a bolt of lightning from his fingers straight into the Librarian's heart.

It was over, I had finally seen the immense power of Chaos, And I was impressed.


It's been a long weekend and allot can happen it 2 days, so I made the most of it.

I am proud to say that i now have a fully legal army of Khorne. Made up of 10 Lesser daemons of Khorne, 12 Khorne Bezerks and a Khorne Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut!!!! Against Tau I will be UNSTOPIBLE... I just need to get close enough for close combat...Which in impossible to do without getting half my army gunned down first....DAM  :(
Unless... I deep strike my daemons in front of them!!! But it could be Dawn of War...

Sunday, 22 May 2011

My Juggernaught

I just got a Chaos Space Marine Khorne Lord on a Juggernaught on Friday and I spent the whole weekend painting him. They are mainly red and gold, but my Juggernaught has green power cords between his ribs.

A Juggernaught is the most dangerous, bloodthirsty, killer machine I have in my army

And I shall call him Scruffy